genus Allium

garlic treatment for nail fungus

nail fungus treatments

Garlic treatment for nail fungus

Raw Garlic for Toenail Fungus

Is garlic a herb

Short Cutts

Garlic plant

Garlic Oil Preparation

Garlic’s health benefits

best garlic bread recipe

Grow your own garlic and other herbs



Our ancestors have used garlic for both culinary purposes and its therapeutic benefits since ancient times.

It resembles an onion and belongs to genus Allium.

Although widely used as a herb it is infact a vegetable.

We will look into its health benefits and its role in curbing nail fungus in this article,


Health Benefits of Garlic:

Garlic has various proved health benefits

Raw garlic for toenail fungus

  •  Garlic has various proved health benefits and has also been used for these benefits,
  • Garlic has many compounds with potent medicinal properties, such as sulfur compounds, allicin, diallyl disulfide, and s-allyl cysteine
  • Garlic is low in calories but contains a huge variety of nutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese, and trace amounts of various other nutrients.
  • Garlic Qahwa is commonly used to combat the severity of illnesses like flu, cough, and fever in many countries.
  • Garlic powder also helps in maintaining blood pressure, even as effective as a medication in some cases.
  • Total and LDL cholesterol seems to get reduced by garlic, however, HDL and triglycerides remain unaffected.
  • Antioxidants in garlic prevent cell damage and aging and may reduce the risks of Alzheimer’s and dementia.
  • Garlic has beneficial effects against chronic diseases and helps you live a healthy and longer life.
  • Garlic helps reduce lead toxicity and related symptoms.


Garlic Benefits against Nail Fungus:

Using garlic for toenail infection is not just a grandma’s recipe or a folk’s remedy, but it has been proven to be very beneficial in treating fungal infections by many studies.

Garlic has so many benefits for your health

Do you know Garlic can be used as a natural-antibiotic

Use it to boost the immune system

Toenail fungus is a fungal infection

raw garlic for toenail fungus

Toenail fungus is a fungal infection that gets into the toes via cuts and rough skin around the nails and needs to be treated early on to prevent further complications. Whether it is due to lowering cholesterol or boosting the immune system, garlic helps in fighting infections. It also has powerful antimicrobial and antifungal properties and helps get rid of tinea pedis, a common fungus responsible for toenail infections.


Whether it is garlic cloves, garlic oil, crushed garlic, or garlic powder, it helps in treating fungal infections. If your toenail infection is in the early stages, placing garlic cloves on it or patching it up for the night helps in absorbing and treating the infection.

Another way is to apply the crushed garlic to your infection and then wash it up after 30 minutes, which has certain benefits. Garlic powder can also be dusted on toenail fungal infection, just like you would do with any other antifungal powder, and it helps curb the infection.

Your next question may be, “How to apply garlic to fungal infection?” We have a recipe for you. Warm the fungus-affected area with moist heat, which will open pores and attract fungus on the surface.

Apply one clove of crushed garlic to a piece of gauze and cover it up with another piece of gauze. Close the gauze completely and fix it up on the affected toenail with fungus.

Replace this dressing with a new one after every 4 to 5 hours and use only fresh garlic. Also, eat a clove of fresh garlic a day to cope with fungal infection.

Is garlic a Vegetable?

Garlic plant

We all love garlic plants in our food to spice them, but are you an individual who has been asking yourself this question, is garlic a vegetable? In botanical classification, the garlic plant is considered a vegetable that belongs to the family of onions with other plants like chives, shallots, and leeks.

Garlic falls under vegetable plants because a vegetable is any part of an edible herbaceous plant such as bulbs, roots, leaves, and stems. The garlic plant has long leaves, a bulb, and tall stems. In most homesteads, what is consumed from this plant is the bulb comprised of 10-20 cloves.

The flowers and the leaves are edible too. However, many people use garlic as a spice or herb rather than a vegetable. Unlike other kitchen vegetables, you cannot consume this plant in large quantities on its own because it has a strong taste. Therefore, it is added to dishes to add some flavour.

Garlic is a nutrient-packed spicy plant that is considered vital in countless recipes. We will look at various ways to grow garlic plants to use them as a spice or herb to spice your home dishes. It grows well during autumn in many areas; it will form many individual lobes covered with papery skin when it matures. Each garlic lobes that you can plant is called a clove.

Are you wondering how to grow garlic from a clove? It is not a complex process. It would help break apart cloves on your garlic from the bulb a few days to the material planting day. But remember to keep the papery husk of each clove intact.

Select a suitable sunny spot where you will plant your garlic. Place cloves 2-4 inches apart and two inches deep on well-prepared soil that has raised beds for the plants to have adequate drainage. While placing the garlic cloves, ensure that you put their pointed end facing up. Plant them in rows with a spacing of 10-14 inches apart.

Garlic plants grown indoors can be used as a garnish or seasoning. However, there will contain lighter and gentler flavours than those planted outdoors. Place three or four cloves in a well-prepared pot containing potting soil to grow your garlic indoors. Place your container on a sunny window ledge and ensure that you water it lightly. Your planted cloves will germinate in 7-10 days. Once your garlic plants have evolved the greens, you will have to plant new cloves to continue your supply.

Growing your garlic will ensure that you have more diverse and flavourful plants than those you will get at your grocery stores. To ensure a continuous supply, you can grow your garlic in pots which is pretty straightforward and fulfilling. You can plant either the hard neck or soft neck in pots.

Hard neck garlic can do well in cold climates and plant soft neck varieties in mild temperatures. They require patience because they will take 8-9 months after planting to grow and mature for harvesting fully. The best pot to use is a plastic, plastic-stone, glazed ceramic, or fibre stone pot. Ensure that your kitty is frost-proof to prevent cracking during winter. Further, place drainage holes at the bottom of your pots and ensure at least 8 inches deep for your garlic plants to have ample room for root growth.

The growth of your garlic in pots will also depend on the soil type you choose. Garlic requires a well-drained soil mix to ensure that the cloves will not start rotting. Therefore, ensure that your potting soil contains a cup of compost mix in a ratio of 75:25.sink the right amount of cloves with good spacing on the size of your pot with the pointy end facing up 3 inches beneath the soil surface. Water the plant with enough water throughout your garlic life cycle.

Surprisingly, you can grow garlic indoors without using potting soil. Meaning you can plant your garlic in water in a simple way. This method requires you to place your garlic green in glass containers, add some water, and grow them all year round. Your plants will form shoots from the placed garlic cloves inside the containers before the bulb form.

These types of garlic planted in water are a less mature version of garlic. They will have good taste, the same as garlic chives. They also resemble green onions or scallions. Ensure that you place your container next to a sunny windowsill for your garlic plants to get at least 8-12 hours of sunlight during the day. Refill the water in your container periodically. The water level should cover the garlic sprout a bit.

Your garlic green will be ready for harvest in a week when they form shoots around 4-7 inches tall. Green shoots will grow upwards, and roots will begin to grow on the base of the clove.


how to make garlic bread


best garlic bread recipe

Including handmade bread in any dinner may be a very memorable experience. Following the recipe, step-by-step will ensure that your garlic bread turns out flawlessly every time. In reality, garlic bread is just bread brushed with olive oil or butter and then baked or grilled with garlic and other seasonings. This bread offers numerous health advantages. Garlic, the primary component, has a variety of sulfur-containing compounds that help boost the immune system and have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral effects on the body. Make sure you’re putting nutritious ingredients into your body and eating them as well.


A pasta meal can’t be complete without garlic bread as a companion. There is nothing like a warm, tangy, crispy slice of garlic bread to round off a satisfying spaghetti feast. Bread and spaghetti may appear unusual together since they are both starchy meals, but when eaten together, they make sense. Garlic bread can be made in various ways since it is so easy to prepare, and there are so many recipes out there for it. You can be as creative as you want with any garlic bread recipe because there are no limits. Garlic bread is traditionally made by toasting bread, butter, and minced garlic in the oven.

To create garlic bread using ordinary bread, these are the things you’ll need:

4-5 slices of regular bread or one baguette of bread with 1-2 garlic cloves grated

3 12 tablespoons of butter

One teaspoon of basil powder

A pinch of salt, a pinch of pepper, and a bit of paprika

fresh coriander leaves, roughly chopped

The foil is made of aluminium.

Before combining the ingredients, preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Slice the bread in half horizontally or vertically, but do not separate the pieces. Slits are all you need to do. When you’ve got all of your ingredients together in one pot or dish (salt through to pepper), it’s time to make the sauce. You’ll need to distribute this butter mixture on the bread piece and within the slits. Cover the bread with aluminium foil after that. Put it in the oven for 8 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Remove it with care and place it on a platter. The garlic bread may now be served as a snack with hot soup, or coffee or as a side dish with spaghetti.

Here’s how to make garlic bread that’s both crispy and toasted. Repeat these instructions with a loaf of ordinary bread after cutting it in half horizontally. Bake the bread in a non-metal pan without the foil. You may be creative and original when you add cheeses such as feta, cheddar, or mozzarella. As an alternative to butter, you may use olive oil.

Tips for Preserving Garlic and Making Garlic Oil

You may use garlic oil in various ways, including as an ingredient or a dressing. There are multiple methods to make this flavourful oil in your kitchen. Since it is so often used in cooking, it may also be purchased in a local grocery shop. Fish, meat, and bread all benefit from it. Bread may be dipped in this oil. Most cuisines utilize olive oil as a critical component because of its fresh and appealing taste.

Garlic Oil Preparation:

It is possible to make garlic oil in a variety of ways. However, the traditional process of making the oil is straightforward. Garlic cloves should be placed in a transparent container with virgin oil. To preserve the bottle’s contents, it is then sealed and kept at room temperature for a long time. Garlic oil that has been infused with flavour must be prepared with extreme caution since it might cause food illness. Keep the oil in the sun for a few hours to hasten the flavouring process. The oil must be refrigerated immediately after flavouring to avoid botulism.

In addition to the classic procedure, there are several fast and easy methods for making flavour-infused oil. Add 20 freshly peeled garlic cloves to hot virgin oil and heat through. They should be cooked for 25 minutes until they are clear and tender. After removing the pan from the heat, let the oil cool for a while. Clove oil should be strained and stored in a clean container. It’s time to put that bottle away in the refrigerator. To prevent food poisoning, use the oil within two weeks after purchase.

Garlic Preserving Strategies:

Garlic’s health benefits

may be maximized by adequately preserving and storing it. It must be stored in a way that preserves its taste and medicinal uses. If properly stored and kept at the optimum temperature, it may survive for months. The moist garlic is sweeter and more digestible than the dry kind. However, it must be kept cold to keep for a more extended amount of time. The bulb’s lifespan is drastically shortened when the cloves are removed. Place it in a wire mesh basket in a cabinet to keep it fresh and valuable. It needs a lot of dry air to keep sprouts at bay. Mould may grow on it if kept in plastic bags inside the refrigerator.

There’s no need to freeze it since its taste and texture would drastically alter if kept in the freezer, but the minced form may be preserved in a refrigerator. One or two cloves are usually all that is needed in most recipes.

For best results, allow the garlic to rest for at least 15 minutes before cutting, chopping, or grinding.




Raw garlic for toenail fungus

10 Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus (
Use garlic for relief from toenail fungus |
The best home remedies for toenail fungus (
The Benefits of Garlic! – Toenail fungus Treatment Center (

Grow your own garlic and other herbs

Looking to grow your own garlic then check out for plenty of tips tricks and growing information on garlic and other useful herbs to save you money and improve your health.

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If you don’t have time to make your own garlic oil or grow it yourself then there is a wide selection of garlic oil and garlic hair and health products on Amazon.

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Fungus Therapy